Frederick Elks #684 Weekly email
Thanks to those of you who paid your dues for the 2021-22 Lodge year in a timely manner. If you haven't paid yet, you can still pay your dues. Membership cards have been mailed to those members who have paid but not picked up their cards - thank you!
A note about your dues payment...
The staff CANNOT accept your dues payment at the bar! To pay your dues, you must leave a check or cash in the Secretary's drop box (clearly marked). Remember, there is an ATM available in the lobby if you need to get cash for your dues payment. The bartender can make change for you if you need to make exact change, but please, do not pay the bartender and then expect that your dues will be properly credited to you.
If you must pay by credit card, please use the link that was included in your dues renewal notice.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
This week's schedule
Remember – there are regular daily specials all the time -
and we continue to have a regular menu as well. Thank you to all who have come out and supported us during this difficult time. We are now open regular hours again - 11:00 am - 11:00 pm Monday - Thursday; 11:00 am - midnight Friday & Saturday; and Noon - 10:30 pm on Sunday. Seating and masking restrictions are still in place. Please stop in and say HI!
Monday - April 26 - Trivia - 6:30 pm in the bar
Bring your knowledge and play along.
Tuesday - April 27 - Orioles Bingo - 5:00 pm
If you have the time, we sure could use help with running food. Contact Karen at if you would like to help out.
Thursday - April 29 - Raw Bar - 5:00-8:00 pm
Saturday - May 1 - Cinco de Mayo Celebration - 4:00 pm in the bar
Saturday - May 1 - golf forms and registration money due (checks payable to Elks Lodge #684). See Tom Lynch for more information. This deadline is rapidly approaching. If you want to play but don't have a foursome, talk to Tom -- he might have others also in search of a foursome.
Save $5 on a future crab feed
Buy your crab feed certificate for $35
Max of 4 certificates per Lodge member
Certificates available at the bar
You must be an Elk in good standing
A limit of 100 being sold so get yours now
From Mary Onley:
“Thank you Elks Family, for the generous donations to the Can Food Drive.”
The Home Association (HA) is seeking a member who is an attorney with experience in Corporate and Real Estate law who can assist in reviewing documents.
Please contact Warren Johnson at
Life Member Vote - April 21
J. Denham Crum - member of the Elks for 42 years and age 76
At the April 21st meeting we will be voting on granting Life Membership to Brother Crum.
Lodge Officers
Exalted Ruler - Judi McKnight
Leading Knight - Hank Davis
Loyal Knight - Ryan Maloy
Lecturing Knight - Jim Kleimola
Secretary - Carol Wolfrey
Treasurer - Karen Larson McNitt
Esquire - Fred Cole
Chaplain - Vivian Bross
Inner Guard - Alicia Stone
Tiler - Tammy Guttry
5 year Trustee - Dennis Helmstetter
Mark your calendar for these upcoming events in the weeks to come...
Entire Month of May - our next $1 initiation month! Invite your friends to join!
Sunday, May 9 - Mother's Day Buffet - Noon-3:00 pm. Please make your reservations now by calling 301-662-3301 ext. #6. Sorry, no walk-ins.
Friday, May 14 - our next Sometimes Annual Golf Tournament! Entries limited to first 30 teams -- $300 per foursome. This event will again go to support Hospice and help replenish our Rainy Day fund which has been hit hard during the past year!
Saturday, May 15 - Preakness Party - starting at 3:30 pm. Come out and pick a horse in the Preakness Pools. Prize raffles every 20 minutes starting at 4:00 pm (Maryland-themed raffle prizes). Proceeds to benefit the House Committee and the Elks National Foundation.
To enter your 4-some, check this out:
If you would like to help out by being a sponsor, use this link: